PDF Patterns for 3-6 Home Catechesis Manual
A component of the Home Catechesis 3-6 materials. (also used in 6-9 and 9-12). PDF file of Patterns and Instructions (no wood, no felt) to make 30 biblical characters to accompany the presentations in the 3-6 Home Catechesis Manual by Moira Farrell. Characters are made using 3 3/4" clothespins and felt fabric. Characters include Isaiah, Micah, Mary, Gabriel, Joseph, Baby Jesus, 2 Shepherds, Christmas Angel, 3 Wisemen, Simeon and Anna, the Farmer who found treasure buried in a field, the Pearl Merchant, 12 Apostles and adult Jesus.

Wood Clothespin People Kit
A component of the Home Catechesis 3-6 materials. Wood and pipecleaner parts only. Should be used together with the Patterns and Directions for Felt Clothing and Felt and Trim Kit below. Enough clothespins, stands, heads, hands and pipecleaners to make 29 bibllcal figures. Clothespins are 3 3/4' H Characters are Isaiah, Micah, Mary, Gabriel, Elizabeth, Joseph, 2 Shepherds, 3 Wisemen, Christmas Angel, Simeon, Anna, 12 Apostles, Jesus, Pearl Merchant, Farmer.

Felt and Trim plus PDF Patterns for 30 Clothespin Characters
A component of the Home Catechesis 3-6 materials (also used in 6-9 and 9-12). Felt and trim only. 23 colors of felt in various sizes to create clothing for the 30 characters in presentations from the Home Catechesis Manual 3-6 by Moira Farrell.

Baby Jesus in Swaddling Clothes
A component of the Home Catechesis 3-6 materials. Raw materials to make your own Baby Jesus. All you need is a needle and thread.

Pearl Merchant's Basket & Pearl Display
These are components of the Home Catechesis 3-6 program for presentation of the Parable of the Pearl of Great Price. The Merchant's basket is filled with pearls, but when he goes to the market in search of fine pearls he finds the one pearl that he must have. So he sells everything he owns in order to possess it. The basket can be emptied of it's pearl collection so the Pearl of Great price can take their place.

7 wood stars--unpainted
A component of the Home Catechesis 3-6 materials. The Story of Creation presentation calls for stars cut from felt--but felt stars do not look very nice (at least, the ones that I cut didn't). These perfect little wooden ones are the perfet substitute.

Treasure Buried in a Field Parable
A component of the Home Catechesis 3-6 materials. This treasure chest filled with jewels, the 4 3/4" stainless steel shovel and tiny straw hat for the farmer are a delightful addition to the presentation of the Parable of the Treasure Buried in a Field.

Parable of the Grain of Wheat
A component of the Home Catechesis 3-6 materials to accompany the Parable of the Grain of Wheat. A couple dozen live grains of wheat and a dry wheat stalk. Each grain will easily sprout when planted and demonstrate the truth of Jesus' words, "Unless a grain of wheat falls to the earth and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat, but if it dies it bears much fruit."

Bird Cage with Two Turtle Doves--the Presentation
A component of the Home Catechesis 3-6 materials. When Mary and Joseph brought Baby Jesus to the Temple they also brought the required sacrifice--two turtle doves. This tiny metal cage hooks easily onto Joseph's pipecleaner hand. Cage is 1 34" H, 1 1/4" W.

Mustard Seed Parable Components
A component of the Home Catechesis 3-6 materials for the Parable of the Mustard Seed. Two tiny melamine dishes, one with a mustard seed, the other with an assortment of other seeds. Seeds are glued in place and cannot get lost. Two tiny bird nests with nesting birds, (2" diameter) to make their home in the mustard tree.

A is for Altar, B is for Bible
A delightful way to learn the ABC's. Each letter of the alphabet is illuminated by an image and a brief prayer drawn from scripture or the liturgy. Based on the Catechesis of the good Shepherd lessons. Hardcover. Ages 2-6.

Mini-Mini Monstrance
Beautiful doll-house size miniature reproduction of the child-sized monstrance, this version is only 3" high and 2.2" wide.

Miniature Mass Kit for Children--w/o cruets
For children ages 3-12. Kit includes
brass chalice 4 1/2"
brass paten 3 1/4"
brass crucifix 4"
brass ciborium 6" w/lid
brass snuffer 7"
brass bell
brass sanctuary light 5"
set of five altar cloths
glass cruets (pair) 3.5"
glass finger bowl
glass votive candles (pair)
lesson plan book with activity sheets
(censer, stand and incense boat NOT included)

Baptism Set
Three scripted lessons introduce the elements and symbols of Baptism through beautiful hands-on materials.
The Baptismal Set includes:
Lesson Plan Booklet (with reproducible student pages) Rite of Baptism Booklet
Paschal Candle w/stand (styles vary, may be USED)
Five grains of Incense (for Paschal Candle)
Baptismal Candle and glass stand
Glass Baptismal font (bowl)
Brass Holy Oil Containers (empty)
Brass Candle Snuffer
White Stole (for "priest")
Candle-lighting Sticks

Chalice and Paten Set
Identical with the items in the Mass Kit, this paten and chalice set (not pictured) is available in limited quantity.

Replacement Baptism booklet & Rite of Baptism
These two booklets are included in each Baptism set. Lesson Plans include three lessons plus four reproducible activity sheets. Rite of Baptism includes complete rite for one child or multiple children.

Paschal Candle replacement
10" 51% beeswax candle with stickers and five incense grains. No candle stick.

Replacement Lesson Plans for Mass Kit
Includes the Lesson Plan Booklet and patterns for making a miniature altar.

Child-size Brass Monstrance
Lovely brass replica of an original, this vessel stands 8 1/2" tall. The back piece is threaded (instead of hinged) making it easy to use and hard to break.

Pattern for Child-size Vestments-PDF file
NOT an instant download. Print pattern pages on regular paper. Print the Vesting Prayer on card stock. Designed for complete beginners. Simple pattern and directions for making a chasuble, alb, stole and cincture. Printed size fits the average four-year-old. Directions included for how to enlarge for older boys. Includes card of Vesting Prayers for the young 'priest' to say as he puts on each piece. My favorite is the prayer as he dons the alb: "Purify me Lord, and cleanse my heart so that, washed in the Blood of the Lamb, I may enjoy eternal bliss."

The Religious Potential of the Child 3-6
by Sofia Cavalletti. Describes a Montessori approach to religious education for children ages 3-6 known as Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. This is not a "how-to" book, but rather a glimpse inside a specially prepared environment that allows children to develop rich spiritual lives. Color illustrations.

The Religious Potential of the Child 6-12
A continuation of Cavelletti's earlier work, this volume focuses on the child from 6-12 and the religious needs most essential to that age group. Building on the experiences of the child from 3-6, the older child is drawn to the theme of covenant between God and mankind, its development throughout salvation history and its final consummation at the end of time.

Home Catechesis Manual Ages 3-6--Part I PDF
NOT an instant download. I'll send the pdf next time I'm on line. The first ten lessons of the revised edition are now ready. There are a few glitches with some of the images at the beginning of a few lessons but these are just decoration and not part of the actual lesson. There is one blank page because the page numbers changed slightly from the earlier edition. I'll eventually fix that, but right now I just want to get this posted.
by Moira Farrell. A home-based program of religious education in the Montessori tradition! This PDF file offers the first ten of thirty-two scripted presentations for children ages 3 to 5. Also, patterns, ideas and directions for making most the necessary hands-on materials. Topics include: items used at Mass, parts of the Mass, biblical geography, Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Parables of the Kingdom, Baptism, Creation, and others.

Home Catechesis Manual 3-6 Part II PDF
by Moira Farrell. 2nd Edition. PDF file delivered via email. Part II includes eleven lessons with patterns and directions to create the supporting hands-on materials. Please let me know if you find errors. This editing job has been rather strenuous and there are bound to be some mistakes. I'll be happy to correct them and send a new PDF. I'm also collecting a fair number of the items needed for these lessons (like the mustard seed, wheat kernels, treasure box, bird-in-a-cage, pearl collection, etc. I'll be posting a 3-6 collection sometime soon. Stay tuned!

Home Catechesis 3-6 Part III PDF
Not an instant download. I'll send the PDF file via email. Part III includes eleven scripted lessons, plus patterns and directions for creating many hands-on materials.

Home Catechesis Manual for Ages 6-9
by Moira Farrell. This 3-hole-punched, un-bound manual offers twenty-seven scripted presentations for chidlren ages 6 to 9. Topics include: Solar Calendar, Liturgical Calendar, Advent Wreath, Jesse Tree, Annunciation, Visitation, Epiphany, Zacchaeus, Bartimaeus, Palm Sunday, Last Supper, Eucharistic Presence of the Good Shepherd, Seder Meal, Parts of the Mass, etc. Includes patterns, ideas and directions to make the hands-on materials to accompany these presentations.

Home Catechesis Manual for ages 9-12
This 200+-page, 3-hole-punched, un-bound manual provides scripted lessons and material-making patterns for teaching Salvation History. It includes presentations for all the Old Testament covenants (Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David) and their typology. Each covenant is explored through the use of two uniquely creative elements: the Story Box and the Covenant Circle. A Story Box is created for each lesson and includes two and three-dimensional objects that the child and parent use as the story unfolds. The Covenant Circle ia a follow-up work that beautifully synthesizes each story with its meaning and typology, providing a hands-on meditation experience for the child that speaks to him through sign and symbol. These lessons require a considerable amount of preparation but the time spent will greatly enrich both the parent and the child.

History of the Kingdom of God--Part 1 Creation to Parousia
by Sofia Cavelletti. A revision of two earlier works: History's Golden Thread, and Living Liturgy, this new work offers the reader a key to reading the Bible, following the "golden thread" of the history of salvation from creation of the world to its final destiny in Christ, the Parousia.

History of the Kingdom of God Part 2, Liturgy and the Building of the Kingdom
by Sofia Cavalletti. This second volume is an update of the earlier title: Living Liturgy and offers insight to adults working with young children into Scripture and Liturgy as the means to understanding God's plan of salvation history in the current age. Soft cover.

A Safari Farm Replica. 3" long, 2.5" tall. Sheep figurines are an integral part of Montessori religious education materials.

A Safari Farm Replica. 2" long, 1.5" tall. These darling lambs make lovely toys. They are also an integral part of Montessori religious education materials.

A Wild Safari Replica. 4" long 2" tall. Used in the Good Shepherd papable presentations for Montessori religious education.

Miniature Chalice and Paten
Doll-house size brass vessels. Chalice is 1 1/2" high. Paten is 1 7/8" in diameter. Style may vary from picture.

The Good Shepherd and the Child
by Cavalletti, Gobbi and Coulter. The subtitle of this book is, "A Joyful Journey," and it is indeed that. Here is a good beginning for "how-to" implement the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd with children ages 3-6. Includes presentations for the Parables of the Kingdom, the Eucharist, Baptism, Parable of the Good Shepherd and others.

Mini Brass Candlesticks (pair)
Doll-house size pair of solid brass candlesticks. 1 1/2" tall. Fits a standard birthday candle.
Child-size Vestments--Small, Green
Size small fits the average 3-4-year-old. Set includes chasuble and stole, white alb and cincture. These garments are not just a costume, they are beautifully designed and detailed--just like the real thing. Both garments are washable in cold water. Hang to dry. Use cool iron.

Child-size Vestments--Small, White
Size small fits the average 3-4-year-old. Set includes chasuble and stole, white alb and cincture. These garments are not just a costume, they are beautifully designed and detailed--just like the real thing. Both garments are washable in cold water. Hang to dry. Use cool iron.

Child-size Vestments--Medium, White
Size medium fits the average 5-7-year-old. Set includes chasuble and stole, white alb and cincture. These garments are not just a costume, they are beautifully designed and detailed--just like the real thing. Both garments are washable in cold water. Hang to dry. Use cool iron.

Child-size Vestments--Large, White
Size large fits the average 8-10-year-old. Set includes chasuble and stole, white alb and cincture. These garments are not just a costume, they are beautifully designed and detailed--just like the real thing. Both garments are washable in cold water. Hang to dry. Use cool iron.

Child-size Vestments--Small, Violet
Size small fits the average 3-4-year-old. Set includes chasuble and stole, white alb and cincture. These garments are not just a costume, they are beautifully designed and detailed--just like the real thing. Both garments are washable in cold water. Hang to dry. Use cool iron.
