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Table of Contents

Home Page
Store Policy
_Early Church
_Patristic Church
_Growth of the Church
_High Middle Ages
_Divided Christendom
_Modern Times
_U. S. History
Language Arts
Little Dover Books
Liturgical Seasons
Used Book Sale
Poetry & Drama
Prayer Corner
Religious Education
Thinking Skills

Grade 4 Teacher Planner
Week-at-a-glance on two facing pages for all subjects in the Grade 4 Syllabus. Easy-to-follow schedule makes it simple for the child to identify and complete his work and for the parent to monitor his progress.


Grade 8 Syllabus
Thirty-two weeks of daily lesson plans, based on a four or five-day week, for Religion, Mathematics, Spelling, Language Arts, Poetry, Science, Latin, Music, Art, Geography and History. This item is not returnable.


Grade 7 Teacher Planner
It might be better to call this a Student Planner. Weekly lessons from the Grade Seven Syllabus are laid out on two facing pages. Each assignment includes a check box for keeping track of completed work. Where the Syllabus offers a choice of text or resource, the Planner has specified the choice. The Planner is based on a five-day week and is intended to be used together with the Grade Seven Syllabus. This item is not returnable.

Grade 11 Religion Syllabus
$25.00  $20.00 On Sale!!
A thirty-two-week course using Father John Laux's "Introduction to the Bible." Includes suggested paper topics, tests and answer key. This item is not returnable.


Grade 12 American Government Syllabus
A thirty-two-week course focusing on the United States Constitution and the debates surrounding its origin and ratification. This item is not returnable.


Grade 12 Health Syllabus
A thirty-two-week course using the Papal Document, "Casti Connubii" (On Christian Marriage). The complete text of "Casti Connubii" is included in the syllabus along with suggested paper topics and reading list. This item is not returnable.


Algebra I Syllabus-Grade 9
$15.00  $10.00 On Sale!!
Day-by-day breakdown using Saxon Algebra I 3rd Edition. Includes subject rubrics, learning objectives, and grading charts. This item is not returnable.


Advanced Math Syllabus, 2nd ed.
$15.00  $10.00 On Sale!!
Syllabus for Saxon Advanced Math Second Edtition. Printed 2005.


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